I've been considering getting a Raspberry Pi and have been playing around with running Kali Linux on an old tablet using Termux. The problem I'm seeing on the tablet environment is that I just can't get Python packages "yfinance" and "pandas_ta" to successfully install since they fail on building. I had a problem with "pandas" too until I downloaded the wheel version from pywheels.org. This site does have a version of "yfinance" on it too that I keep trying to install but fails. My concern is that this will happen on the Raspberry Pi as well since it's v7 ARM based just like my old tablet. Kali Linux on x86 installs these packages no problem at all. Can someone with a Pi just try to do a pip install of yfinance and pandas_ta and let me know if it goes through smoothly before I buy one (or possibly an Orange Pi)? Thanks!
Statistics: Posted by wysiwyg6000 — Sat Aug 31, 2024 10:50 pm