Nope. Most power supplies are class II and therefore double insulated (denoted by square in a square logo), and will generally have a plastic earth pin if such is needed in the mains plug spec.Thank You for the quick replies!Thanks for the tip, that makes sense! But (and forgive me if that question is stupid): Isn't it enough if the power supplies of both devices are plugged into the same outlet / power strip?Do make sure there is a common GND between the Pi and the display, otherwise communication could be erratic.
The output is therefore disassociated from any of the supply voltages. You could connect the 5V out from one PSU to the 0V of a second and get a -5V, 0V, +5V setup (useful for some analogue circuitry such as op-amps).
Statistics: Posted by 6by9 — Wed Feb 07, 2024 11:33 am