I thought that Robu.in is a Raspberry Pi Authorised Reseller. So the person who updates the Raspberry Pi website should fix this problem. In this URL = https://www.raspberrypi.com/products/ra ... top-kit-in Raspberry Pi didn't mention that Robu.in sells the kit and Maybe Robu.in unofficially sells it and only the EU kit. I'm very sorry for saying this as a problem to the forum instead of Robu.in.Do not depend of someone else to make a suggestion to robu.in about the problem. You are the customer or potential customer and your comment is the most important.Yeah! I would save money buying only the necessary things. I currently have two HDMI cables, a mouse, a guide and a power adapter. Sorry for my stupid post . I thought that someone would make a suggestion to robu.in about the problem
Statistics: Posted by Arshith's Tech Vlog — Sat Nov 23, 2024 6:57 pm