Not finding a lot? This was a hot topic 20 years ago, with several designs using microcontrollers or simple analogue circuits.Hello,
I want to create a single axis (east to west) solar tracker. But I'm not finding alot on the internet about it. I want to use two photo senors, motor and pi pico. Is that possible? And if so how? Or can you point me to resources. Also these panels are small and light, 1.5amp, 5v.
Thank you for any help!
But, even if you can't find an example you are on the right track (harr, harr). You could probably describe, in English, how it should work. The next step is to translate that into code.
Choose your programming language for the Pico.
Figure out how to read the light level from a photo resistor and write a program to do it. Write a program to read two photo resistors.
Figure out how to drive a motor from the Pico. Write a program to control it.
Write a program that combines both elements:
Read both sensors.
If they are close in value do nothing.
If one is greater than the other, run the motor in the corresponding direction.
Repeat ad nauseum.
Actually, not profit. In general it is considered not cost-effective to add the complexity of a solar tracker. Instead, spend the money on additional, fixed, panels.
Statistics: Posted by ame — Sun Jan 12, 2025 2:44 am