Congratulations. You've invented the voltage regulator.
Not wishing to be too negative, but it's a bit pointless. The 7805 is a poor choice these days, and actually, those relay modules shouldn't use 5V for the trigger circuit, they should use 3.3V. The regulator itself is going to get a bit hot if you draw the rated 1A @5V.
Some of the design points on the web page are rather specious. I won't be buying one.
Not wishing to be too negative, but it's a bit pointless. The 7805 is a poor choice these days, and actually, those relay modules shouldn't use 5V for the trigger circuit, they should use 3.3V. The regulator itself is going to get a bit hot if you draw the rated 1A @5V.
Some of the design points on the web page are rather specious. I won't be buying one.
Statistics: Posted by ame — Thu Mar 14, 2024 7:27 pm