Running into a bit of an issue with a script I attempting to run. Just a few details, Pi 4B 8GB, Bullseye Legacy OS 32-Bit. The script runs successfully and continuously for an alotted amount of time ( about 2 hours) with no issues, then randomly aborts the script and I'm prompted with this error in the terminal box.
( Script is doing nothing more but continuously looping a video through Mplayer)
"Malloc_Consolidate:() Invalid Chunk Size"
It is worth mentioning that I've tried Increasing the GPU Memory to 256mb
Curious where to start trouble shooting this issue. As well as figure out whats causing it as it does run perfectly for a pretty good amount of time then prompts this error
( Script is doing nothing more but continuously looping a video through Mplayer)
"Malloc_Consolidate:() Invalid Chunk Size"
It is worth mentioning that I've tried Increasing the GPU Memory to 256mb
Curious where to start trouble shooting this issue. As well as figure out whats causing it as it does run perfectly for a pretty good amount of time then prompts this error
Statistics: Posted by Catrell92 — Thu Mar 21, 2024 8:50 pm