Yes, they do play with ffplay, however the video is speed up. It plays very fast like 2x.Do they play OK with ffplay?I am having the exact same issue. I am also using a Raspberry pi 5 and taking images works perfectly with my camera, however when recording video and the libcamera-vid saves the file as .h264 file format, i only get 1 second video with the VLC player, even though the file size of the .h264 is large. I am only able to use libcamera-vid when using the option --codec mjpeg, however this is not video format, this is only pictures. When converting the .h264 to .mp4 i just get 1 second video in .mp4 format instead. It is the same result.
Statistics: Posted by miki2670 — Fri Mar 22, 2024 8:19 pm