Thanks for the's your AV receiver most likely! Connect the Pi to the TV directly and report back on the results.Looked at these instructions for disabling overscan - the raspberry pi 5 running raspbian version 12 bookworm - doesn't show any way to select overscan settingPresumably over scan is on at the moment.
Info on how to change the setting: ... verscan%3A
Hopefully that's current enough.
I see someone else is having same problem with Rpi 5 and bookworm OS displaying correctly on TV screen
I connected the Rpi hdmi output directly to the TV hdmi input, bypassing the Onkyo AVR receiver -> result was "no change" - the display is the same. SO this rules out the AVR receiver as being the problem.
I think I'lll just have to wait for the OS developers to fix the overscan setting problem in version 12 bookworm.
Thanks for all the help and suggestions !
Statistics: Posted by HikerLT — Fri Mar 15, 2024 7:14 pm