Your checklist could have been quite a big help, except that between my asking and you answering, I managed to fix it.Not really enough information provided to offer an real help.
In compiling the post I looked at a couple of guides to decide which to refer to, and one of them described logging in through Putty, and I was moved to try that as a test: it worked, so clearly the problem was in Git-bash.
All that it needed was to create $HOME/.bashrc and put in export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0.
Thank you though, hopefully it will help the next person along... Or possibly me, next time something goes wrong.
In no particular order:
- What's the exact command you are trying to run?
- What's your DISPLAY environment variable set to?
- Do you have an X server running on the Windows box?
- How are you logging in to the Pi to run the command? Exactly. Not just "via ssh" or "with putty".
- Which model PI?
- Which OS and which major release (by name please not by kernel or splash screen version number).
- Are you certain nothing has changed on the windows box? No updates from Microsoft?
- If trying to use TCP (e.g. DISPLAY=hostname:0) rather than forwarding over ssh (e.g. DISPLAY= localhost:10.0) has your X server been configured to allow that?
- Is it being blocked by your windows firewall?
Statistics: Posted by Hairyloon — Fri Apr 19, 2024 12:58 am